

●Lawrence Summers, “Obama's Down Payment”(WashingtonPost, December 28, 2008) どこからか天の声が聞こえてきたような気がして、拙いながらも全文を訳してみました(詳細な解説はhimaginaryさんにお任せしましたw)。 毎度注記しておりますように忠実…


●William Poole(2004), “Free Trade: Why Are Economists and Noneconomists So Far Apart?(pdf)”(Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, September/October 2004, vol.86(5), pp.1-6) Free trade―are you fer it or agin it? Why? I’m sure that…

The Credit Crunch of 2007-2008;危機の背景、市場の反応、政策対応

●Paul Mizen(2008), “The Credit Crunch of 2007-2008: A Discussion of the Background, Market Reactions, and Policy Responses(pdf)”(Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, September/October 2008, vol.90(5), pp. 531-568) This paper dis…

市場の失敗? 政策の失敗?

●Tyler Cowen, “Bailout of Long-Term Capital: A Bad Precedent?”(New York Times, December 26, 2008) THE financial crisis is a result of many bad decisions, but one of them hasn’t received enough attention: the 1998 bailout of the Long-Term…


The World Financial and Economic Crisis with Olivier Blanchard(CES Internet Lecture, November 18, 2008) 文字通り本当に語ってます。時間に余裕のある方はご覧になってみてはいかがでしょうか(動画は50分以上あります。私もまだ全部には目を通して…


●Robert E. Lucas, “Bernanke Is the Best Stimulus Right Now”(Wall Street Journal, December 23, 2008) The Federal Reserve's lowering of interest rates last Tuesday was welcome, but it was also received with skepticism. Once the federal-fun…


●Charles I. Jones, “Current Macroeconomic Events(pdf)”(A Supplement to Macroeconomics (W.W. Norton, 2008), August 6, 2008) Abstract This brief note discusses current macroeconomic events, with special emphasis on the U.S. economy. As t…

リフレ政策(or 物価水準目標政策)のすすめ

●Greg Mankiw, “The Next Round of Ammunition”(Greg Mankiw's Blog, December 16, 2008) 今回のFOMCの決定を受けてのマンキューのエントリー。これは必読でしょう。 ・・・と毎度の如く無責任にリンクだけ貼るのも何なんで許可もなく勝手に全文訳してみた…


●Tyler Cowen(2007), “The importance of Defining the Feasible Set”(Economics and Philosophy, vol.23, pp.1-14) Abstract How should we define the feasible set? Even when individuals agree on facts and values, as traditionally construed, d…


●Assar Lindbeck(2003), “Changing Tides for the Welfare State: An Essay(pdf)”(in S. Cnossen and H-W. Sinn (eds) 『Public Finance and Public Policy in the New Century』, CESifo Seminar Series, MIT Press, pp.3-43)●Assar Lindbeck(2004)…


●Assar Lindbeck(2006), “An Essay on Economic Reforms and Social Change in China(pdf)”(World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4057)●Assar Lindbeck(2007), “China's Reformed Economy(pdf)”(CESifo Forum No. 1, pp.8-14)●Assar L…


Financial Crisis and Recession(by Susan Woodward and Robert Hall) R.ホール先生もブログ界に参入ですか。マンキューにクルーグマンにベッカーにポズナーにあの人もこの人も・・・、すんごい時代になったものです。 ベッカーによる以下の嘆きの形をとっ…


始まったよ。●Tyler Cowen, “General Theory, chapters one and two”(Marginal Revolution, December 8, 2008) I see three main themes in the book as a whole:1. Income effects are more important than substitution effects.2. Expectations matter.…

Great Depressionの恩恵

●Randall Parker, “The Great Depression: Part II”(Randall Parker's Completely Serious/Sometimes Funny/ Bash-Free Macroeconomics Blog, December 4, 2008) コーエンの『一般理論』読書会の話題をフォローしたんだから、パーカーの連載の続報も取り上…


●Paul Krugman, “NOTES ON NOMINAL WAGES AND EMPLOYMENT(pdf)” 総需要曲線(AD曲線)が通常の形状をとる(=右下がりのAD曲線)ならば、名目賃金の上昇は失業を増加させるということになろう(名目賃金の上昇は総供給曲線をAS1からAS2へとシフトさせるた…


●David Beckworth, “Monetary Policy Ended the Great Depression...”(Macro and Other Market Musings, November 25, 2008) Monetary Policy Ended the Great Depression and not fiscal policy, according to Christina Romer in her 1992 JEH paper. ・…


Recession(リセッション)とDepression(デプレッション)の違いって何なの? っていうのは誰もが抱く疑問だと思うけれども、・・・違いって何? ジョークで「Recessionはあなたの隣人が職を失う状態であり、Depressionはあなた自身が職を失う状態である」…


●Tyler Cowen, “New MR book club - Keynes's *General Theory*”(Marginal Revolution, November 30, 2008) コーエン教授よりネット読書会へのお誘いのお知らせが届きました。以下抜粋。 読書会の第1回目は12月8日月曜日を予定しております。 テキストは先…


●Simon London, “Lunch with the FT: Milton Friedman”(FT.com, June 6, 2003)●Robert Kuttner, “Agreeing to Disagree: Robert Kuttner speaks with Milton Friedman”(American Prospect, December 18, 2005) あとで読も。


●Martin Neil Baily, Robert E. Litan, and Matthew S. Johnson, “The Origins of the Financial Crisis”(The Initiative On Business and Public Policy, Brookings Institution, November 2008) The financial crisis that has been wreaking havoc in m…


●Randall Parker, “The Great Depression: Part I”(Randall Parker's Completely Serious/Sometimes Funny/ Bash-Free Macroeconomics Blog, December 2, 2008) Some have been asking me to embark on a historical tour of the economic history of the …