

●Paul Krugman, “Currency War Confusions”(The Conscience of Liberal, February 15, 2013)所々こちらで勝手に言い回しを変えているところがあるのでご注意を。 最近話題になっている「通貨戦争」(“currency war”)についてどう思うかと尋ねられることが…


●Barry Eichengreen(2010), “The Crisis in Financial Innovation(pdf)”(Lecture given on receipt of the Schumpter Prize of the International Schumpeter Society, Vienna, January 20, 2010) 一部訳(pp.1〜pp.3)。余裕があれば全部訳すかもしれ…


●Barry Eichengreen, “Back to the ‘Thirties with a Twist”(VOX, August 30, 2008) One of the chief ways financial market participants make sense of events is by drawing parallels with the past. The subprime crisis, when it first erupted, wa…


●Barry Eichengreen and Mariko Hatase,“Can a Rapidly-Growing Export-Oriented Economy Smoothly Exit an Exchange Rate Peg? Lessons for China from Japan's High-Growth Era”(日本銀行、IMES Discussion Paper Series 2005年8月) 1970年代における日…