
●David Beckworth, “Is Monetary Policy Really Too Loose?”(Macro and Other Market Musings, September 5, 2008)


policy rate gapか。ちょっと調べとこ。


●“A Simple Metric for the Stance of Monetary Policy:Nominal GDP Growth Rate minus the Federal Funds Rate”(Macro and Other Market Musings, September 12, 2007)

●“Another Look at the Policy Rate Gap”(Macro and Other Market Musings, February 14, 2008)


●Michael Munger, “Rent-Seek and You Will Find”(Library of Economics and Liberty, July 3, 2006)

In a well-functioning market system, competition rewards low price and high quality. Such optimal functioning requires either large numbers of producers or relatively low-cost entry and exit. Suppose that Coke and Pepsi not only had all the shelf space for drinks, but asked in addition if they could make their own rules outlawing the sale of any other drink. As Adam Smith pointed out, "To widen the market and to narrow the competition is always the interest of the dealers..."


But in our political system, we have an industry dominated by two firms, Republicans and Democrats. Together they have a 99 percent market share. They have undertaken actions at the state and national levels to make it practically impossible for any other party to enter. This system forecloses good competition, the kind that raises new ideas or asks embarrassing questions. We have been fooled into thinking the system is competitive, because we constantly see vigorous rent-seeking competition for access to the public purse. This bad competition is an expensive gladiatorial combat, where Congress keeps a lot of the ticket receipts. Some of the rest of the spending is simply wasted building those expensive office suites on K Street and using the time of those lobbyists who could be doing something more productive.

When they set up a rent-seeking contest, politicians are gambling with house money. To simulate the real world of rent-seeking more closely, I would need to amend my classroom exercise. First, collect $10 from each student. Next, run the auction, giving the students a chance to buy their money back. I'm not sure what would happen, but this procedure would give you the "pay for it twice" aspect that real political rent-seeking games exhibit. And I wouldn't be surprised if some students just stayed home sick that day, as a way to avoid playing the game at all.

