

●Steve Horwitz, “Hayek on Deflation and the Great Depression”(The Austrian Economists, October 20, 2009) “I agree with Milton Friedman that once the Crash had occurred, the Federal Reserve System pursued a silly deflationary policy. I am…


●Ben S. Bernanke, “Asia and the Global Financial Crisis”(At the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco’s Conference on Asia and the Global Financial Crisis, Santa Barbara, California, October 19, 2009) As the global economy recovers and t…


●János Kornai(2009), “The soft budget constraint syndrome and the global financial crisis; Some warnings from an East European economist(pdf)” Softness of the budget constraint cannot yet be said to apply in a singular case where a fi…


Press Release 12 October 2009The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for 2009 toElinor Ostrom Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA,"for her a…