

●Kevin Nguyen, “The Financial Crisis, as Explained to My Fourteen-Year-Old Sister”(The Bygone Bureau, October 1, 2008) Kevin: Have you been following the news?(ニュースとか見てる? 金融危機だなんだって。)Olivia: Yeah, I don’t really ge…


●David Beckworth, “Is There A Credit Crunch? Evidence from the Money Multiplier”(Macro and Other Market Musings, October 28, 2008)●Satyajit Chatterjee, “Real Business Cycles: A Legacy of Countercyclical Policies”(The Region, Federal Res…


とフィラデルフィア連銀さん。 Financial Crisis Resources(Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) http://www.philadelphiafed.org/financial-crisis-resources/ The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has launched Financial Crisis Resources, a …


MTEF http://mtef.blogspot.com/ 「Financial Crisis Reading List」欄参照。これもまたまた便利。


●Terry M. Moe(1990), “Political institutions: The neglected side of the story(pdf)”(Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, vol.6, pp.213–53)●Terry M. Moe(2005), “Power and Political Institutions(pdf)”(Perspectives on Polit…

Great Depression's deceptive intellectual legacy

●William Easterly, “Development Doesn't Require Big Government”(Wall Street Journal, October 3, 2008) Financial meltdown will not cause the U.S. to abandon democratic capitalism, but the outcome is less clear for countries deciding wheth…


●Markus K. Brunnermeier, “Deciphering the 2007-08 Liquidity and Credit Crunch(pdf)”(Journal of Economic Perspectives (forthcoming), 草稿版) In this light, it seems important to understand the amplification mechanisms that explain why t…


●Gregory Mankiw, “But Have We Learned Enough?”(New York Times, October 25, 2008) But when Olivier Blanchard, the I.M.F.’s chief economist, was asked about the possibility of the world sinking into another Great Depression, he reassuringl…


●Robert E. Lucas, Jr., “Mortgages and Monetary Policy”(Wall Street Journal, September 19, 2007) In the past 50 years, there have been two macroeconomic policy changes in the United States that have really mattered. One of these was the s…


Course Readings for University Educators(Federal Reserve Bank of New York) http://www.ny.frb.org/education/research/ Course Readingsとしてはもちろんのこと、ブログネタとしてもかなり使えます。激しくお薦め。 (追記)「リンク集」を設けてみま…


●Alexander Combs, “Two Track Mind: How Irrational Policy Endures”(Library of Economics and Liberty, June 7, 2004) Wherever the truth lies, one thing is clear: not all deaths are judged equally. In the moral calculus of the mind emotional…

わが孫たちの経済的可能性 (たぶん)その3

himaginaryさんからのTBでこのエントリーのことを思い出す。自分でエントリーしておきながらすっかりその存在を忘れてしまっていた。 himaginaryさん、どうもありがとうございます m(_ _)m。 Revisiting Keynes: Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildr…


●Allen R. Sanderson, “Incentives, Incentives, Incentives”(Library of Economics and Liberty, March 3, 2008) Thus, if we're dissatisfied with a particular activity or outcome, or want to modify some behavior, seeing the underlying incentiv…


●David Beckworth, “The Monetary Policy - Long Term Interest Rate Link”(Macro and Other Market Musings, October 21, 2008)●Paul Romer, “Fundamentalists versus Realists”(Growth Commission Blog, October 6, 2008)●Michael Spence, “From distr…


●レギュラー, “ケインジアン・クロスについて真剣に考えてみる”(レギュラーの入院日誌, 2008年10月20日) このご時世にクラウワーって。先生、渋過ぎます。


前回エントリーが追記だらけになったので別途エントリー。毎度のごとくリンク貼るだけですけど。 まずはディキシット先生によるクルーグマンの業績解説2篇。●Avinash Dixit, “Why Krugman got the Nobel Prize: Economics, not polemics”(VOX, October 17, …


Krugman、キターーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー!!以上。 (追記) The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2008 toPaul Krugman Princeton Univ…


●“Thinking Like an Economist”(Region, September 2003)●Russell Cooper, “Principles of Economic Thinking” Individuals (including households and firms) act optimally Competition works Measurement matters No free lunches Government intervent…


●Robert E. Lucas, Jr., “The Industrial Revolution: Past and Future”(Region, Annual Reports, May 2004) せっかく作った[Region]カテゴリーを消化するためだけ(=単にリンク貼るだけという意味)にエントリー。 ちょっと長めだけれども、ルーカスのこ…


●Roger Kerr, “Moral Markets(pdf)”(New Zealand Business Roundtable, October 1, 2008)Anti-Dismal経由。あとで読もう。 Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy作者: Paul J. Zak,Michael C. Jensen出版社/メーカー: Princeton U…