
ロドリック「アイデアと利害 〜利害を形作るアイデア〜」

●Dani Rodrik, “Ideas over Interests”(Project Syndicate, April 26, 2012) Interests are not fixed or predetermined. They are themselves shaped by ideas – beliefs about who we are, what we are trying to achieve, and how the world works. Our…

大恐慌に関するケインズ以前の貨幣理論 〜ホートレーとカッセルはなぜ無視されたのか?〜

●Ronald Batchelder and David Glasner, “Pre-Keynesian Monetary Theories of the Great Depression: What Ever Happened to Hawtrey and Cassel?” Abstract: A strictly monetary theory of the Great Depression is generally thought to have originated…