●Jeffrey Frankel, “Time for Nominal Growth Targets”(Project Syndicate, December 16, 2012)

erickqchanさんtmpsoulcageさんのつぶやき経由。「インフレ目標の死 by Jeffrey Frankel」(erickqchanさん訳)とあわせて読むと吉。

以下は抜粋訳(ちなみに、タイトルの「NGDPLT」は「名目GDP水準目標」(Nominal GDP Level Targeting)の略称)。

It is time for the world’s major central banks to reconsider how they conduct monetary policy. The US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are grappling with sustained economic weakness, despite years of low interest rates. In Japan, Shinzō Abe, the opposition Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) candidate for prime minister, campaigned for a more expansionary monetary policy ahead of the general election on December 16. And central banks in both the United Kingdom and China are coming under new leadership, which might entail new thinking.

Monetary policymakers in some countries should contemplate a shift toward targeting nominal GDP – a switch that could be phased in gradually in such a way as to preserve credibility with respect to inflation. Indeed, for many advanced economies, in particular, a nominal-GDP target is clearly superior to the status quo.

The idea of targeting nominal GDP has been around since the 1980’s, when many macroeconomists viewed it as a logical solution to the difficulties of targeting the money supply, particularly with respect to velocity shocks. Such proposals have been revived now partly in order to deliver monetary stimulus and higher growth in the US, Japan, and Europe while still maintaining a credible nominal anchor.

But they should add a longer-run projection for nominal GDP growth. This would be around 4-4.5% for the United States, implying a long-run real growth rate of 2-2.5%, the same as now. For Japan, lower targets would be needed – perhaps 3% nominal GDP growth, as the LDP recently proposed – owing largely to the absence of population growth. No one could call such moves inflationary.

Shortly thereafter, projections for nominal GDP growth in the coming three years should be added – higher than 4% for the US, UK, and eurozone (perhaps 5% in the first year, rising to 5.5% after that, but with the long-run projection unchanged at 4-4.5%). This would trigger much public speculation about how the 5.5% breaks down between real growth and inflation. The truth is that central banks have no control over that – monetary policy determines the total of real growth and inflation, but not the relative magnitude of each.

A nominal-GDP target would ensure either that real growth accelerates or, if not, that the real interest rate declines automatically, pushing up demand. The targets for nominal GDP growth could be chosen in a way that puts the level of nominal GDP on an accelerated path back to its pre-recession trend. In the long run, when nominal GDP growth is back on its annual path of 4-4.5%, real growth will return to its potential, say 2-2.5%, with inflation back at 1.5-2%.


●Jeffrey Frankel, “Central banks can phase in nominal GDP targets without damaging the inflation anchor”(VOX, December 19, 2012)
