
●Daniel B. Klein(1994), “If Government Is So Villainous, How Come Government Officials Don't Seem Like Villains(pdf)”(Economics and Philosophy, Vol.10, Issue01, pp. 91-106)

Another possibility is to say that our intellectual opponents are misinformed. They believe that what they want is good and what they say is true. But if so, why are they misinformed? Others stand ready to enlighten them, to show them that two plus two is not five. Why aren't they easily straightened out? If it is we who are misinformed, why aren't we straightened out? And if both we and they are misinformed, why can't we all at least believe the same error?

There are, then, several distinct principles that help explain uniformity in behavior or belief: self-sorting and screening (noted by Akerlof, 1991), network externalities and belief adaptation (discussed in the context of technology, not cognition, by David), filtered information (noted by Simon), imitation based on uncertainty (congruent with Cialdini and developed by Bikhchandani et al, 1992), preferences to conform (noted by Cialdini, Adam Smith and Kuran), and sanctions on deviants (discussed by Kuran and noted by Mencken).

Sometimes it is appropriate to incriminate government officials. For the cynical and irresponsible ones, we might deem their behavior reprehensible. It will depend on how we delimit responsible beliefs given the individual's personal constraints. But I advise you to strain to see how bad conclusions might have been reached by thought processes that were ordinarily honest and good-willed. Libertarians should meet and join institutions of power, they should cooperate and negotiate with those in power. To do that effectively, tell yourself that it is up to the wise to undo the damage done by the merely good.

No matter how disagreeable we may find the culture of another community, there is no profit in addressing them strictly on our terms. As Payne says, the "congressman will not be persuaded by lobbyists who believe he is a dishonest cad" . If the political-intellectual-academic arena is one of cultural struggle, success is not called triumph or victory, but persuasion.


