ロバート・ルーカス 「名目GDP成長率は多かれ少なかれ直接的に金融政策によって影響されるのです」

Why a Second Look Matters”(CFR Symposium on a Second Look at the Great Depression and the New Deal, New York Council on Foreign Relation, March 30, 2009)におけるロバート・ルーカスの発言の抜粋訳。時間がないのでここでは抜粋訳にとどめたけれど、興味がある方は全てに目を通されることをお勧めする。

So, now, some numbers. The trend growth rate of the U.S. economy is 3 percent per year -- I'm talking about total GDP, real GDP. And we always -- we keep returning to it, it's been our -- the norm for well over a century. But, suppose right this minute GDP is 6 percent below the trend line? Then to recover in three years, to get out of a recession in three years, we need three years of 5 percent growth -- 3 percentage points just to keep up with the trend; and 2 percent, three times in a row, to get, to make up for the 6 shortfall. So, that's what it means to get out of a recession like this, roughly speaking.
(ここでいくつか数字をおさえておくことにしましょう。アメリカのトレンドの成長率は年率3%です。この成長率というのは実質GDP成長率です。アメリカ経済は常に(一時的に下回ることがあっても)このトレンドの成長率に回帰する傾向にあります。実質GDP成長率3%というのはここアメリカ経済においては1世紀以上にわたって経済の標準的なあり方だったのです。しかし、仮に今現在実質GDPの水準がトレンドを6%ポイント下回っているとしたらどうなるでしょうか? 今後3年のうちに回復するためには、あるいは今後3年間で景気後退から抜け出すためには、実質GDPは毎年5%のペースで成長する必要があります。トレンドの成長率が年率3%、そしてトレンドを6%ポイント下回っていますからそれを3年で埋め合わせるためには年あたり2%の成長が必要となります。あわせて5%ですね。アメリカ経済が景気後退から抜け出すためには今後3年間で実質GDPが年率5%で成長する必要があるということですね。)

Now, in a free society the growth rate of real GDP is not something anyone can choose -- any individual or government can choose. What we can choose, though -- and this is roughly speaking, we've had some debates about that this morning, what we can choose is the growth in the dollar value of GDP. The growth of GDP in dollars is more or less directly influenced by monetary policy.

So I'm going to talk in terms of choosing -- (inaudible) -- say exaggeration, the rate of nominal growth, and then the real growth rate and the inflation rate have to add up to that thing. So we can, kind of, choose the sum of the inflation rate and the real growth rate. So from that point of view, if you want 5 percent real growth, and we're going to have an inflation target of, say, 2 percent, then that nominal growth is going to be -- we're going to have three years of nominal growth at 7 percent.

Now, the fact is, we don't have any reliable way -- Mr. Schramm talks -- (laughs) -- talks about what economists don't know, and my talk's going to be full of instances -- we don't have a reliable way of relating changes in monetary policy to changes in nominal GDP growth in the short-term. And we can't predict exactly how nominal GDP changes will break down into real growth and inflation.

・・・So nominal growth -- my argument before, my sketch of the hypothetical three-year recovery, said that something like a 7 percent growth rate in nominal GDP would be helpful. The nominal growth is way below 5 percent, or even 3 percent at an annual rate right now, and the forecasts for 2009 are for near zero growth.

So if we don't change the rate of growth of nominal income, and we want to get a 5 percent real growth, we're going to have to have an offsetting deflation of 5 percent. And these things have to add up. And that's just not going to happen. It is not possible to pull a modern economy through a neutral or painless deflation. Economic theory doesn't really tell us why -- what's hard about it. But, the evidence, I mean, it just doesn't work.

I think the long, drawn out recession in Japan is exactly because the nominal income in Japan has grown at something -- you know, for 15 years at rates that average somewhere between 1 (percent) and 2 percent. Now, if you're going to get 3 percent real growth, that means you got to have a negative deflation for all those years, and it just doesn't -- it hasn't been good for Japan. Those numbers are much smaller than the 1930s, but it's a serious -- it's a serious mistake.
(日本が長引く景気後退を経験している理由もまさにこの点*2にあると思います。日本の名目所得の成長率はここ15年の平均で見ますと年率1〜2%程度でした。そういった状況*3において実質GDP成長率3%を目指すとなりますと、デフレーション(マイナスのインフレ率)が伴うことになりますが、デフレは日本経済にとって好ましくないでしょうし、現にこれまでも好ましいものではありませんでした。これまで日本が経験してきたデフレの値(デフレ率)は1930年代と比べるとずっと軽微なものですが、重大な過ち(serious mistake)には違いありません。)


