This is good central banking !

●Robert E. Lucas, Jr., “The Current Financial Crisis(pdf)”(Conference at Universidad Torcuato di Tella, December 9, 2008)

• A part of the effective supply of liquidity supply is gone, other money substitutes now become suspect, everyone wants to get into government issued or government-insured assets: reserves, currency, and insured deposits
• Can see this in the widening spreads between treasury bills and commercial paper, between government and corporate bonds, etc.
• A flight to currency? Not exactly. But a flight to government promises of currency, current or future
(これってつまりは貨幣への逃避ということになるんだろうか? 貨幣への逃避としても大きくは間違っていないだろうけれど、正確には政府保証がある証券―将来的に政府による通貨支払いの保証がある証券―への逃避*1ということになるだろう。)
• This is what is happening now: spending has declined, the recession is deepening and threatens to get worse
• All of this similar to earliest stages of the Great Depression
• What to do? According to Friedman and Schwartz, and to the long accepted principles of central banking, the situation calls for a “lender of last resort”
(このような状況においてFedは一体何をすべきなのだろうか? フリードマン=シュワルツの研究に従えば、そして長らく受け入れられてきている中央銀行の原則に従えば、Fedは「最後の貸し手」として機能せよ、ということである。)
• The Fed needs to get more reserves into the system―fast
• Let’s look at what is happening now
• On September 10, there were $47 billion of reserves outstanding: about the same as in 2005
• Since then, according to the bi-weekly FRB releases,
 — September 24 $110 b.(9月24日時点 1100億ドル)
 — October 8 $ 180 b.(10月8日時点 1800億ドル)
 — October 22 $ 329 b.(10月22日時点 3290億ドル)
 — November 5 $ 416 b.(11月5日時点 4160億ドル)
 — November 19 $ 653 b.(11月19日時点 6530億ドル)
 — December 3 $ 644 b.(12月3日時点 6440億ドル)

• This is good central banking !(これはいい中央銀行!)
• The Fed is acting boldly as lender of last resort, just as it should have done in 1930s, and failed to do

