
●“Using Other People's Money - A Continuing Series”(Market Power)


Milton Friedman, “The Real Free Lunch: Markets and Private Property”(CATO, May 6, 1993)

It's far harder to understand why supposedly intelligent, well-intentioned people have produced these results. One reason, as we all know, that is certainly part of the answer is the power of special interests. But I believe that a more fundamental answer has to do with the difference between the self-interest of individuals when they are engaged in the private market and the self-interest of individuals when they are engaged in the political market. If you're engaged in a venture in the private market and it begins to fail, the only way you can keep it going is to dig into your own pocket. So you have a strong incentive to shut it down. On the other hand, if you start exactly the same enterprise in the government sector, with exactly the same prospects for failure, and it beings to fail, you have a much better alternative. You can say that your project or program should really have been undertaken on a bigger scale; and you don't have to dig into your own pocket, you have a much deeper pocket into which to dig, that of the taxpayer. In perfectly good conscience you can try to persuade, and typically succeed in persuading, not the taxpayer, but the congressman, that yours is really a good project and that all it needs is a little more money. And so, to coin another aphorism, if a private venture fails, it's closed down. If a government venture fails, it's expanded.

We sometimes think the solution to our problems is to elect the right people to Congress. I believe that's false, that if a random sample of people in this room were to replace the 435 people in the House and the 100 people in the Senate, the results would be much the same. With few exceptions, the people in Congress are decent people who want to do good. They're not deliberately engaging in activities that they know will do harm. They are simply immersed in an environment in which all the pressures are in one direction, to spend more money.

・・・In my opinion, the only way we can change it is by changing the incentives under which the people in government operate. If you want people to act differently, you have to make it in their own self-interest to do so. As Armen Alchan always says, there's one thing you can count on everybody in the world to do, and that's to put his self-interest above yours.
(我々は「正しい」人を議員として議会に送り出すことが(政府の行動が原因となって引き起こされている)経済的、社会的な問題の解決につながると時に考える。私はそれは間違いだと思う。この部屋にいる人(おそらく「正しい」人だと思しき?)から適当に選んで現在の議員とそっくり入れ替えたとしても結果は全く同じだろうと思う。ちょっとした例外はあるだろうが、議会に席を占めている人々(=政治家)は意図としてはいいことをしたいと望んでいる優秀な人々であり、彼らは社会に害悪を与えようと意図しているわけではないであろう。彼ら政治家はある一方向への圧力、つまりお金をもっと使うよう促すような圧力にさらされているだけである。・・・私の意見では、問題解決の唯一の手段は政治市場で活動する人々が直面しているインセンティブを変えることであると考える。あなたが他人に違うように行動してもらいたいとするならば、そのように行動することがその人自身の利益になるようにしなければならない。アルチャン(Armen Alchian)がいつも言っているように、「世の人々の行動に関して自信を持って言えることが一つある。それは、人はあなた(他人)の利益よりも自分自身の利益を優先する、ということだ」。)


●Shankar Vedantam, “Taking More Risks Because You Feel Safe”(Washington Post, Monday, June 9, 2008)

●Eric Weiner, “Subprime Bailout: Good Idea or 'Moral Hazard?'”(National Public Radio, November 29, 2007)

MV=PQ(by Tim Schilling)のエントリー“Moral Hazard in the Curriculum”経由。
下の記事のタイトルにある「モラル」とは意味違うよ。わかってるだろうけど。Tim Schillingさんによるモラルハザードの説明を参照のこと。

If you insure against loss, you create a different set of costs and benefits for various types of activities. This can be applied to auto insurance, homeowners insurance, life insurance and health insurance. If you know that the financial cost of certain activities will be borne by a third party, in part or in total, your assessment of various activities is likely to change. Specifically, it is logical to believe that, to some extent, you will take on more risk than you would if the total cost of loss would be yours.


●Tim Harford, “Should we cyclists bother to wear helmets?”(The Undercover Economist, July 9, 2008)