
The gold standard and the Great DepressionEconbrowser by James D. Hamilton)

Under a pure gold standard, the government would stand ready to trade dollars for gold at a fixed rate. Under such a monetary rule, it seems the dollar is "as good as gold."・・・Except that it really isn't-- the dollar is only as good as the government's credibility to stick with the standard.

・・・A gold standard only works when everybody believes in the overall fiscal and monetary responsibility of the major world governments and the relative price of gold is fairly stable. And yet a lack of such faith was the precise reason the world returned to gold in the late 1920's and the reason many argue for a return to gold today. Saying you're on a gold standard does not suddenly make you credible. But it does set you up for some ferocious problems if people still doubt whether you've set your house in order.


Brad DeLong,“Why not the Gold Standard?”も参照のこと。