stationary banditとしてのタリバン

●“When the state does not enforce property rights”(Dani Rodrik's weblog, July 14, 2008)

タリバンがオルソン言うところのstationary bandit*1として活動し始めたということかしらん。何がきっかけで割引率が低下(=視野が長期化)したんだろう? Ziratに大理石があることは以前から知られていたようだしな〜(以前から大理石がとれるということがわかっていたとなると統治することから得られる(金銭的)便益が最近になって突然高まったわけではないということになる。ここにきて大理石の市場価格が急騰している(ならびにしばらくは高止まりしそうな傾向にある)となると話は別だけど)。統治のコストが低下するような何かしらの変化(軍事技術面での革新とか)でもあったのかな。

Power And Prosperity: Outgrowing Communist And Capitalist Dictatorships

Power And Prosperity: Outgrowing Communist And Capitalist Dictatorships

オルソンによるstationary bandit/roving banditに関するお話はwikipediaを参照のこと。あと追加としてArnold Kling(“China's Stationary Bandits”)とTyler Cowen(“Are stationary bandits better?”)のブログエントリー(この話題に関連した記事じゃないですけども)もそれぞれ参照。


●“Taliban v. Coase”(Marginal Revolution



●Wallace Oates, Joe Oppenheimer, and Thomas C. Schelling(2000), “Remembering Mancur Olson”(Southern Economic Journal, vol.66(3))


●Avinash Dixit(1999), “Mancur Olson-Social Scientist”(Economic Journal, vol.109(5), F443-F452)


Isaiah Berlin popularised the saying of the Greek poet Archilochus, ‘The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.' For Berlin, the hedgehog stands for the type of thinkers who ‘relate everything to a single central vision, in terms of which they understand, think, and feel’(Berlin, 1978). In this sense, Mancur Olson was the ultimate hedgehog of the social sciences. Most of his research can be seen as the exploration and application of one idea, but that idea was very big indeed. It was the problem of collective action, namely how individuals acting in their private interest can fail to secure the provision of goods or services that are collectively in the interests of all. In other words, Olson's focus was on nothing less than what is arguably the most important class of failures of Adam Smith's invisible hand. (F443)

オルソンの業績について簡潔に知りたい方は『テラスで読む経済学物語』(トッド・G.バックホルツ(著), 上原一男/若田部昌澄(訳), 日本経済新聞社, 1991年)も参照のこと(田中先生情報。ありがとうございます)。




●“Political Explanations of Inefficient Economic Policies - An Overview of Some Theoretical and Empirical Literature(pdf)”(With Thomas Romer. Presentation at the IIPF conference "Public Finance: Fifty Years of the Second Best - and Beyond", Paphos, Cyprus, August 2006)

*1:Mancur Olson(1993), “Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development”(The American Political Science Review, vol. 87(3), pp.567-576)ならびに『Power and Prosperity』(Oxford University Press, 2000)参照。