
David Laidler(with Roger E. Backhouse)、“What was lost with IS-LM?(pdf)”(Laidlerホームページより)。


the IS-LM model was a comparative-static device, and this meant that a wide range of issues, related to the fact that economic activity happens in time, simply could not find a place within it. Only ideas that seemed relevant to the equilibrium features of the economic system and its comparative-static properties received careful attention from those who used IS-LM, but that was the vast majority of economists working on macroeconomic issues between the 1940s and the 1970s.

責めを負うべきはIS-LMの開発者だけなのか? ケインズの重層的で深遠な思索が縷述された『一般理論』をあまりにも平板なかたちに解釈したヒックスが悪いのか? いや、そうではない。ケインズ自身にも重大な過失が存在した。

In The General Theory・・・He also re-wrote the macroeconomics that had come before, and labelled the result “classical economics”. In the process he presented a theoretical critique of propositions that were entirely static and temporal. In the absence of this distortion of what macroeconomics was like before the General Theory, Keynes’own contribution would have been perceived very differently, and it would have been much more difficult for such early exponents of IS-LM as Harrod (1937) and Hicks (1937) to present this model as capable of capturing the fundamental issues at stake between Keynes and his predecessors.

『一般理論』はケインズの独創的な発想のみによって成り立っているわけではない。20世紀前半期(あるいは戦間期)における経済学者連の研究成果の影響が濃厚に見てとれるのである。消費性向にはWarming、資本の限界効率にはIrving Fisher、流動性選好にはLavington、有効需要にはHawtrey・・・というように、ケインズ独自の概念と考えられているものに対してその先駆者(“古典派”の経済学者)を発見することは容易である。


後世から忘れ去られ、無視されることになった“古典派”のもう1つの側面とは何か。“economic activity happens in time”,“consumption and investment decisions had something to do with the allocation of resources over time”,“economic changes take time to happen”,“expectations are always relevant when maximizing behaviour is analysed”,“economic policy too involves forward-looking decisions”,“attention to important coordination problems, having to do with the allocation of resources over time, that are invisible in a static world”・・・といった点への着目、つまりは現実の経済世界は時間の流れの中において進行するのであり、IS-LMが描く静態的な世界像とは正反対の、常に変化に晒された動態的な世界である、ということへの気付きである。

Some examples will help to make clear just how many ideas were thus rendered inaccessible to a younger generation of economists. Hawtrey・・・had argued that the monetary transmission mechanism over the course of the cycle involved the continual creation and destruction of credit. For him, and for Irving Fisher too,・・・the interest rate set by the banking system was therefore considered to be a critical variable for swings in the price level, and in output too for Hawtrey・・・.Others, notably the Austrian and Swedish followers of Wicksell, but also Dennis Robertson, carried this line of analysis further, and stressed the capacity of interest rate swings to generate variations in output which often involved “forced saving”. The Austrians in particular had argued that, in a world experiencing change, the market mechanisms that existed in a monetary economy were likely to fail in fully coordinating the choices of individual agents, notably with regard to the allocation of resources over time;this because the banking system's activities would interfere with the interest rate's capacity to induce a time-structure of production that was compatible with households’plans for future consumption. Those Swedish economists known as the“Stockholm School” focussed on the processes whereby "ex ante" disequilibria were turned into "ex post" equilibria. They therefore paid careful attention to the importance for macroeconomic behaviour of expectations and their evolution over time.


it is argued here that the loss of ideas from the broader inter-war literature on monetary economics and the business cycle, which began with the General Theory itself, and was accentuated by the development of IS-LM, was more important for the subsequent development of macroeconomics than the mislaying of some insights from that book during the transformation of “Keynesian economics” into IS-LM . When all is said and done, IS-LM did sum up a critical and central subset of the ideas expounded in the General Theory. This is why it is legitimate to refer to a Keynesian rather than a Hicksian revolution.

経済学の発展という観点からすると、ケインズが“古典派”を「古典派」と解釈したこと(このことこそが発展のヨリ大きな阻害要因となった)に比較してIS-LMケインズ『一般理論』からmislayした(取りこぼした)ことの過失は些細なことである(IS-LMケインズの歪んだ「古典派」解釈を解釈したものであり、先行する解釈が間違っている以上後続の解釈が誤っていたとしてもその責任は先行する解釈にある)。だからこそ、“古典派”と『一般理論』以降の経済学を分かつことになったパラダイムシフトを「Hicksian revolution」と呼ぶべきではなく「Keynesian revolution」と名付けるべきなのである(“古典派”とそれ以降の経済学の違いの差を生んだのはケインズによる「古典派」解釈にあるため)。レイドラー先生もこうおっしゃっていることですし(レイドラーも冗談がきついな)、ヒックスの罪は是非とも軽くしていただきたいものです。