“rise and rise and rise”/“fall and fall and fall”



●Knut Wicksell(1907), “The Influence of the Rate of Interest on Prices”(Economic Journal XVII, pp.213-220)

If, other things remaining the same, the leading banks of the world were to lower their rate of interest, say 1 per cent below its ordinary level, and keep it so for some years, then the prices of all commodities would rise and rise and rise without any limit whatever; on the contrary, if the leading banks were to raise their rate of interest, say 1 per cent above its normal level, and keep it so for some years, then all prices would fall and fall and fall without any limit except Zero.

市場利子率(銀行の貸付利子率)が自然利子率(the profit on capital、資本の限界生産性)を下回り続けると物価はとどまることなく上昇し(rise and rise and rise:累積的なインフレ)、上回り続けると物価はとどまることなく(0にはならないが)下落する(fall and fall and fall:累積的なデフレ)。そのメカニズムについてはヒックス先生に聞いてみよう(『経済学の思考法』3章)。




When interest is low in proportion to the existing rate of profit, and if, as I take it, the prices thereby rise, then, of course, trade will require more sovereigns and bank-notes, and therefore the sums lent will not all come back to the bank, but part of them will remain in the boxes and purses of the public; in consequence, the bank reserves will melt away while the amount of their liabilities very likely has increased, which will force them to raise their rate of interest.

銀行貨幣が唯一の支払手段である純粋信用経済(where all payments were made by transference in the bank-books)では、銀行が貸し付けた資金はどこかの銀行に預金として還流してくる(あるいは貸付先の銀行口座に貸付金額を記入)。物価が上昇している時には、その分必要な貨幣も増加するから銀行貸付も預金も増加。振り込み依頼の金額が増大する結果として支払準備(当座預金)は目減りし(変動が大きくなり)、増大する預金に対して必要となる支払準備が増大する。借入需要を抑えるため(支払準備の目減りを防ぐため)に銀行は貸付利子率を高め、これ以上の貸付・預金増加を抑制しようとする。やがて、高まる市場利子率は自然利子率の水準に一致する。


it turns into a positive support of our theory, as soon as we fix our eyes on the relativity of the conception of interest on money, its necessary connection with profit on capital. The rate of interest is never high or low in itself, but only in relation to the profit which people can make with the money in their hands, and this, of course, varies. In good times, when trade is brisk, the rate of profit is high, and, what is of great consequence, is generally expected to remain high; in periods of depression it is low, and expected to remain low. The rate of interest on money follows, no doubt, the same course, but not at once, not of itself; it is, as it were, dragged after the rate of profit by the movement of prices and the consequent changes in the state of bank reserve, caused by the difference between the two rates. ・・・In one word, the interest on money is, in reality, very often low when it seems to be high, and high when it seems to be low .
