China's Economic Transformation


China's Economic Transformation(Chicago China Conference, July 14-18, 2008)

コース(Ronald Coase)によるOpening Remarksはこちら(pdf)。

Of course, although we will learn a great deal about what happened, it is not to be expected, although some things will be made clear, that there will be complete agreement in the views expressed – nor is it desirable that there should be. A subject in which everyone says the same thing is a dead subject and one which will not progress.

Competition in the market for ideas is as valuable as in the market for goods. The truth is found as a result of the clash of ideas. And it will be so at this conference.


それにしても参加者の豪華なこと。チュン(Steven Cheung)にマンデル(Robert Mundell)にノース(Douglass North)にフォーゲル(Robert Fogel)にタロック(Gordon Tullock)にデムゼッツ(Harold Demsetz)に・・・etc。コンファレンスの内容がそのうち出版されることを期待しよう。

