
●Peter Temin(2010), “The Great Recession and the Great Depression”(NBER Working Paper No. 15645, January 2010)

Abstract;This paper discusses parallels between our current recession and the Great Depression for the intelligent general public. It stresses the role of economic models and ideas in public policy and argues that gold-standard mentality still holds sway today. The parallels are greatest in the generation of the crises, and they also illuminate the policy choices being made today. We have escaped a repeat of the Depression, but we appear to have lost the opportunity for significant financial reform.

現在の「大停滞 Great Recession」と1930年代の「大不況 Great Depression」とを比較し、両者の異同を探る、と。特に経済政策を背後で支える観念(economic modelsとideas)の役割に着目する、と。1930年代だけでなく、現在においても「金本位心性 gold-standard mentality」は生きている、と。


●soulcage+α, “ (草稿もしくは下訳) ピーター・テミン 「The Great Recession and the Great Depression」”(Random Cage