●Paul Krugman,“In praise of expected inflation”(@The Conscience of a Liberal)
But I think these worriers are missing the main point: mainly, what we’re seeing is an economic environment so weak that real interest rates need to be negative for a while. Why “need”? Well, the decline in medium-term interest rates could be pronounced excessive if anyone expected lower rates to produce a runaway boom — but nobody expects that. In fact, the question is whether falling rates will even be enough to offset the effects of slumping investment demand and consumer spending.
And given that a negative real interest rate is necessary, we should be thankful that it’s possible. If we had come into this slump with zero expected inflation, we’d be up against the zero lower bound right now. It’s only because we had an inflation buffer that the Fed even has a chance of avoiding a Japan-type trap.*1
糊代(=positive expected inflation)ってのは大事なんでござ〜すな〜。