
●János Kornai(2009), “The soft budget constraint syndrome and the global financial crisis; Some warnings from an East European economist(pdf)”

Softness of the budget constraint cannot yet be said to apply in a singular case where a firm in deep financial trouble is bailed out. The syndrome appears if such rescues occur frequently, if managers can begin to count on being rescued. We face here a mental phenomenon, an expectation in decision-makers’ minds that strongly influences their behaviour.
The budget constraint that corporate decision-makers sense may be very soft, moderately soft, quite hard and so on, depending on their subjective awareness of the probability of rescue.

Included in the SBC syndrome is a phenomenon known to insurance theory as moral hazard, but the first is fuller and richer in content, describing a social process and a complex economic mechanism. It does not simply involve examining single decision-makers in isolation, doing less than they might to avoid damage because they can count on compensation from their insurers. The analytical apparatus of the SBC entails deeper, more comprehensive examination of motivation, behaviour and mutual effects among the multiplicity of firms, state bodies, financial institutions and politicians: the whole cast of the play. The SBC syndrome breeds irresponsibility and disdain of risk, and opens the way to excessive investment hunger and expansion drive among managers. This in turn makes financial troubles more frequent andrescue demands more strident, in other words, softens the budget constraint. The SBC syndrome becomes a self-inducing, self-reinforcing process.

赤字が継続して経営困難に陥っていたり、債務超過に陥っている民間企業に対して、「当該企業の規模や取引先企業への影響を勘案すると、このまま倒産させるわけにはいかない」といった理由をつけて、政府が企業救済(bail out)に乗り出す(具体的には、公的資本の注入、補助金の投入・税制上の優遇措置、銀行による追い貸しや債権放棄などといった手段が取られる)。事態の推移を眺めると、「企業の業績悪化→政府による企業救済」ということになっているので、企業の業績悪化が原因であり、政府による企業救済はその結果であるように見える。しかしながら、因果関係は、時間的な推移とは逆向きであるかもしれない。経営が苦しくなれば政府が救済に乗り出してくれるであろうとの予想の下に企業が経営活動に従事する結果として、現実に政府が企業救済に乗り出さざるを得ないということになっているのかもしれない。赤字に陥っても、債務超過に陥っても、最終的には政府が助けてくれる(=企業活動に伴って損失が発生しても、経営者や株主がその損失を全額負担するのではなく、政府(最終的には納税者)が損失の一部を負担してくれる)→リスキーな投資(過剰なリスクテイク)/過剰な借り入れ/過剰な企業規模の拡大へのインセンティブ→企業の経営危機、というメカニズムが働いている可能性があるのである。赤字や債務超過によって発生する資金繰りの問題を外部(特に、政府)からの救済に頼って乗り切ることができる(=予算制約がソフトである)がゆえに、そもそもの問題である経営危機という事態が生じている可能性があるわけである。リスクの負担の一部を第3者に転嫁することで(そうでない場合と比べて)よりリスキーな行動が誘因されるという現象は「モラルハザード」と呼ばれているが、企業が「モラルハザード」に陥る原因の一つとして「ソフトな予算制約」の問題を指摘した*1のは、本論説の著者であるコルナイ教授その人である。


As property and management separated, so the relation weakened between the individual destiny, income and reputation of the managers making the practical business decisions on the one hand, and the presence or absence of financial destinies of their companies, on the other. Successive legislation on business failure provided some protection for firms caught up in a spiral of debt. These changes and others not mentioned here contributed to a steady softening of the budget constraint. It never became as soft as it was under a socialist system of course, but a softening tendency can be discerned down the centuries. Early capitalism rewarded success richly and punished failure fiercely. As time went by, the rewards not only remained, but in several countries increased dramatically, while the penalties became lighter. That disproportional change has weakened the incentive for business to pursue efficiency and adaptability to change. It encourages irresponsible decisions on borrowing, investment and expansion.



This historical view is worth bearing in mind when analysing the present global financial crisis. Spreading of the SBC syndrome is at once a cause and an effect of the crisis. I will not say it is the only cause: the situation that led to the crisis was brought about by a complex of factors. But I will say firmly that softening of the budget constraint is one of the main causes of the crisis. The general softening tendency has been reinforced in the United States and several other countries by successive bailouts over the last ten or twenty years.

「世界各国への『「ソフトな予算制約」症候群』の広がりは、今般の金融危機の原因であると同時に、結果でもあった(Spreading of the SBC syndrome is at once a cause and an effect of the crisis.) 」と述べられているが、「結果でもあった」というのは、今般の金融危機の過程におけるAIGなどの金融機関の救済が「経営困難に陥っても、最終的には政府が助けてくれるだろう」との思惑を一層強めることで、『「ソフトな予算制約」症候群』の力を更に後押しすることになるだろう、ということを意味しているのだろう。


What does not follow from the positive analysis and prediction so far is any simple, normative statement of the following kind: end the rescues and harden the budget constraint at any price. Larry Summers, in an article, stood up against the “moral hazard fundamentalists”, and I agree with him. My intention here is not to preach a fundamentalist sermon. I distance myself strongly from those who advise under these conditions that all banks, financial institutions and firms unable to ride the crisis should be allowed to fail.

自分は「モラルハザード原理主義者(“moral hazard fundamentalists”)」に反対するサマーズ(Larry Summers)と同様の立場を採る、と。つまりは、「どんなに大きな犠牲を払うことになったとしても、政府は企業の救済などやめて、予算制約のハード化に乗り出すべきである」、「金融危機を自力で乗り切ることのできない銀行や金融機関、民間非金融法人企業は、すべて倒産するに任せるべきだ」、と主張するような「モラルハザード原理主義者」には強く反対する、というのである。一方では『「ソフトな予算制約」症候群』のマイナス面を強調しているコルナイ教授のこの一見すると矛盾しているかのような態度の背後には、どのような考えが控えているのであろうか?

My task as a researcher and analyst is like that of a medical consultant. There is a diagnosis to make and possible therapies to explore. The SBC syndrome can be compared to a disease for which there is no complete cure. The patient must be told. But it is possible to live with the disease and mitigate its results. Several treatments can be considered. The doctor in such cases has a duty to report objectively on the effects of each alternative therapy, recounting its effects and its side-effects. That duty is shirked by economists who give a one-sided explanation of rescue operations and other means of state economic intervention.

The debate is driven by political and ideological divides. Left or right, conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat—for many these underlying stances decide in advance which of the opposing arguments they heed and to which they turn a deaf ear.

政府規制の強化(+政府による企業救済)を訴える経済学者も、「予算制約のハード化」を訴える経済学者も、自らの政策提案の利点のみを語るだけで、自らの政策提案に伴うであろう副作用に関しては黙して語らない。金融危機への対処法をめぐる経済学者間の議論には客観性が欠けている(I find the debate short on objectivity)、とコルナイ教授は語る。「医者」としての立場からコルナイ教授が下す診断は、以下のようである。

Concerns are rightly stated or often overstated. Yet nothing is said of potentially catastrophic spill-over effects if the collapse of some financial institution or company cannot be prevented.


They do not apply sufficiently the principle that those responsible for bringing the financial trouble on the company or institution should pay a heavy personal price. If the budget constraint is no longer really hard—if the principle of “winner gains, loser loses” no longer applies spontaneously—we should at least try to simulate its effect to some extent. The culprits who have brought trouble on the bank or the company should not continue drawing lavish pay or receive massive handshakes if they leave and find similar lucrative jobs elsewhere, without their reputations being seriously damaged. ・・・No proposal has been raised, however, that those responsible in the trouble should personally share the losses of the bank or the firm the same way as having shared the profits in good times.

One of the great problems with socialism was that the careers of members of the economic elite, whether they rose or fell, did not depend on their economic achievements, but on connections and political subservience. We should not resign ourselves to seeing this wellknown aspect of socialism spread further in the market economy. ・・・Far stricter norms of behaviour need to be imposed on business participants and professional bodies and communities, and on the press that shapes public opinion. That will not eliminate softening of the budget constraint, but its side-effects will be less damaging.





●Willem Buiter, “After subverting bank insolvency, our leaders are now about to make a mess of liquidity”(Willem Buiter's Maverecon, October 6, 2009)

なお、コルナイ教授は、去る9月18〜19日に国連大学世界開発経済研究所(UNU/WIDER)主催のコンファレンス“Reflections on Transition: Twenty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall”で論文を発表している。論文の主題は、「経済システムと技術進歩の結びつき」(「技術進歩=資本主義経済システムに特有な現象」という点が強調されている)とのことだが、「ソフトな予算制約」の問題にもちょびっとだけではあるが触れられている。

●János Kornai, “Innovation and Dynamism; Interaction between Systems and Technical Progress(pdf)”(Reflections on Transition: Twenty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall (UNU-WIDER conference), Helsinki, September 18-19, 2009)

