
●William Poole,“Inflation, Recession and Fed Policy”(Midwest Economic Education Conference, April 11, 2002)

By maintaining continuously low and stable inflation the Fed puts itself in a strong position to counter many sorts of disturbances, such as the upset in financial markets in 1998, developing economic weakness over the course of last year and the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Low inflation is not only consistent with high employment on average, but also helps to stabilize employment in the face of negative shocks that could have serious employment repercussions. Low inflation is stabilizing because it reduces expectational errors in the private sector and because it permits an aggressive Fed policy response to recession or threat of recession.

・・・sustained price stability creates the best environment for long-run high employment and reduced risk of recession-induced increases in unemployment. When inflation is low, the Fed can resist recession through aggressive rate cuts in a way it simply cannot when inflation is an issue in the markets. By keeping inflation continuously low, the Fed gains the freedom to respond as necessary to the inevitable surprises and shocks that hit the economy.

・・・low inflation is an indispensable ingredient to providing room for monetary policy adjustments required to keep the economy on as stable a growth path as possible.

インフレ率が長期にわたって低い水準に保たれることにより、中央銀行のインフレをコントロールする能力に対しての信認・名声が確立され、その結果として民間経済主体が抱くインフレ期待は低位で安定的なものとなる。Low inflationないしLow inflation expectationは、ヨリ確実な将来の経済計画の立案をサポートすることによって長期的な経済の効率性向上に資するばかりではなく、循環的な(短期的な)景気後退の原因となる経済へのネガティブショックへの(インフレ期待が穏やかなものであればインフレないしインフレ期待の加熱を気にかける必要がないために)迅速で積極的な対応を可能にすることによって政策当局に対し景気循環の振幅をなだらかにする(=景気安定化)政策余地を提供することになる。Low inflationは景気安定化政策としての、ないしは経済を安定成長経路上に保つ手段としての、金融政策の有効性を大いに高める機能を有しているわけである。

バーナンキテスティモニー(=Ben S. Bernanke(2006), “The Benefits of Price Stability”)と全く同じ議論展開。すわっ!! (ニュー)ケインジアンマネタリストの邂逅か!! と叫ばずにはおれない事態でございます。(こちら(=William Poole,“Inflation Targeting”(Feb.16, 2006)も参照のこと)。


・William Poole, “Milton and Money Stock Control”(Milton Friedman Luncheon Co-sponsored by the University of Missouri-Columbia Department of Economics, the Economic and Policy Analysis Research Center, and the Show-Me Institute, July 31, 2007)

・William Poole, “Thinking Like a Central Banker”(Market News International, Sept.28, 2007)