
Thomas M. Humphrey、“Classical Deflation Theory”(Economic Quarterly, Vol. 90 No. 1, Winter 2004)

Absent in much of the recent worry over falling prices is the recognition that deflation is hardly a new topic or a new event. Classical (circa 1750-1870) monetary theorists, in particular, had much to say about it.

・・・Generally, classicals wrote during or following periods of wartime inflation under inconvertible paper currencies. At such times the government had committed itself to return to gold convertibility at the pre-war parity. Such restoration, of course, meant that the price of gold, goods, and foreign exchange—all of which had risen roughly in the same proportion during the war—had to fall to their pre-inflation levels. Achieving these price falls, however, required contractions of the money stock and so the level of aggregate nominal spending.

・・・The foregoing classical contributions have never been given their due recognition. To the best of this observer’s knowledge, no systematic survey of classical deflation theory exists. Instead, one sees references to the neoclassical
(circa 1870–1936) literature featuring contributions such as Irving Fisher’s debt-deflation theory, his distinction between real and nominal interest rates, Knut Wicksell’s notion of a painless fully-expected deflation, and Willard Thorp’s empirical finding (see Laidler 1999, 187, 217, 223) of a relationship between secular deflation and the frequency, severity, and duration of cyclical depressions.・・・While these and other concepts of the neoclassical literature are well known, the classical literature, by contrast, is largely ignored. This article is an attempt to repair this deficiency.

世界的なインフレ率の低下傾向とデフレ不況にあえぐ日本経済の現実を前にして、デフレに関する歴史的経験やフィッシャーやヴィクセルといった過去の経済学者のデフレ分析に高い注目が集まっている。そんな中見過ごされていることがある。デフレは何も今にはじまった比較的新しい現象ではなく、また18世紀末のヴィクトリア朝デフレや1930年代の世界大恐慌だけがデフレの先例ではない、ということである。17〜18世紀にかけて金本位制からの離脱とそれへの復帰に際してインフレとデフレを繰り返した歴史が存在し、また足下で進行するデフレがマクロ経済に対しいかなるインパクトを有するかを同時進行で分析した(またその分析結果からデフレの弊害について警告を発した)経済学者が(フィッシャーやヴィクセルに先立って)存在したのである。Classical Deflation theoryの代表的な論者6人―David Hume, Pehr Niclas Christiernin, Henry Thornton, David Ricardo, Thomas Attwood, Robert Torrens―のデフレ分析を再訪し、Classical Deflation theoristに対して当然向けられるべき注意(そして賞賛の声)を喚起しよう、ってのがHumphrey論文の趣旨。今回はClassical Deflation theoristの中からスウェーデンの経済学者Pehr Niclas Christiernin(1725–1799)のデフレ分析について簡単にまとめておきます。以下過度の金融引締めがデフレを伴う景気停滞を結果するChristierninによる理由付け(p6〜p9参照)。

・価格/名目賃金の(短期的な)下方硬直性(“It is easy for prices to adjust upward. . .but to get prices to fall has always been more difficult”)


・消費と(設備)投資の低迷(“A reduction of bank notes from circulation reduces everyone’s consumption and the output of all sectors [including that of the capital goods sector]. The lack of capital [to equip labor and enhance its productivity] means unemployment and less industriousness among the working class, which results in less output”)


・名目為替レートの増価=価格の硬直性が前提されているために実質為替レートの増価と同値(“a reduction in the price of foreign exchange . . . would have the worst possible consequence for commerce and industry throughout our nation”)


・一括固定税負担の増加(nominal lump-sum “taxes . . . levied and paid in money . . . form a heavier burden . . . when . . . prices fall since more labor and goods are required to pay the same tax”)


・デフレ期待による貨幣退蔵(“Deflation . . . increase[s] the need for money because of speculation and hoarding. When it was known that bank notes were becoming more and more valuable as a result of reductions in the money supply and that all prices in time would consequently fall, everyone would await that time and in the interim would not purchase more than the bare essentials”)



“When prices fall . . . the debtor must work longer and sell more commodities in order to retire his [fixed nominal] debt”. “[D]ebt . . . become[s] correspondingly more difficult to service and to repay. . . . Bankrupts . . . follow and the failure of one would pull down several more”. A debt-deflation spiral ensues as “all debtors . . . wish to sell all they had in order to pay off their debts before prices fell further”. Sellers hoping to beat the price fall flood the market with goods only to find that consumers “would not buy except at a low price and even if they did buy (and the debts at the bank were repaid) the refunding of the principal to the bank would cause a new reduction in the circulation of money”. The result would be “nothing short of a complete credit breakdown” as “creditors [would] not dare loan their money for fear of debtors’ inability to pay, and borrowers would not negotiate any loans because the fall in prices would [by reducing creditors’ willingness to lend and so raising interest rates] mean they would have to pay more for less”.


Christierninが(上記のデフレ分析を展開した)その著書“Lectures on the High Price of Foreign Exchange in Sweden”(1761)を書くにいたった理由を理解するためには当時のスウェーデンがおかれた状況を知る必要がある。スウェーデンは1745年に兌換通貨の発行を廃止し、管理通貨制度に移行、1755年に始まる七年戦争(1755〜1762)の期間に紙幣の過剰発行によって高いインフレ率に悩まされていた。インフレ率を低下させ、現在の高い物価水準を戦前の物価水準まで低下させるためにはデフレも辞すべきではない、との政治的な声が高まっていたちょうどその時、デフレ政策への反対の論陣を張るためにChristierninは上記の書物を著す。物価水準が高いことが問題なのではなく、物価水準が変化すること(インフレ率が上下すること)が問題なのである。現在の(戦前に比べて上昇した)物価水準を一定に保ち、賃金・価格決定(ないしは経済的な意思決定)にとって安定的な環境を維持することこそが重要なのである。物価を下落させて(デフレを発生させて)経済を苦境に貶めることがあってはならない(To do so(=デフレを引き起こすこと) when the “entire priceand wage structure” had become “fully adjusted to the current [depreciated] value” of the currency would be to “destroy our . . . prosperity” and plunge the economy into a slump)。
