

The World Financial and Economic Crisis with Olivier Blanchard(CES Internet Lecture, November 18, 2008) 文字通り本当に語ってます。時間に余裕のある方はご覧になってみてはいかがでしょうか(動画は50分以上あります。私もまだ全部には目を通して…


●Robert E. Lucas, “Bernanke Is the Best Stimulus Right Now”(Wall Street Journal, December 23, 2008) The Federal Reserve's lowering of interest rates last Tuesday was welcome, but it was also received with skepticism. Once the federal-fun…


●Charles I. Jones, “Current Macroeconomic Events(pdf)”(A Supplement to Macroeconomics (W.W. Norton, 2008), August 6, 2008) Abstract This brief note discusses current macroeconomic events, with special emphasis on the U.S. economy. As t…


Financial Crisis and Recession(by Susan Woodward and Robert Hall) R.ホール先生もブログ界に参入ですか。マンキューにクルーグマンにベッカーにポズナーにあの人もこの人も・・・、すんごい時代になったものです。 ベッカーによる以下の嘆きの形をとっ…


●Martin Neil Baily, Robert E. Litan, and Matthew S. Johnson, “The Origins of the Financial Crisis”(The Initiative On Business and Public Policy, Brookings Institution, November 2008) The financial crisis that has been wreaking havoc in m…


以前R.ルーカスのとある論説(=サブプライム危機と金融政策との関連について)を取り上げた際に「ルーカス先生は現在の状況をどのように見てらっしゃるんだろうか。」なんて問いかけたんだけれども、Spiegel Onlineにて今般の金融危機についてコメントをし…

Great Moderationと金融危機

●Thomas F. Cooley, “How We Got Here 〜From the Great Moderation to the Great Conflagration〜”(Forbes.com, November 11, 2008)●David Beckworth, “Did the "Great Moderation" Contribute to Financial Crisis?”(Macro and Other Market Musings, N…


●David K. Levine, “More financial crisis stuff”(Against Monopoly, October 26, 2008) So what is my creative plan for dealing with the mess? The goal seems surely to be first and foremost to avoid doing things that will make things worse, …


●Jeffrey D. Sachs, “Boom, Bust, and Recovery in the World Economy”(Project Syndicate, 2008) But, whatever the pain felt in the deregulated Anglo-Saxon-style economies, none of this must inevitably cause a global calamity. I do not see an…


●Kevin Nguyen, “The Financial Crisis, as Explained to My Fourteen-Year-Old Sister”(The Bygone Bureau, October 1, 2008) Kevin: Have you been following the news?(ニュースとか見てる? 金融危機だなんだって。)Olivia: Yeah, I don’t really ge…


とフィラデルフィア連銀さん。 Financial Crisis Resources(Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) http://www.philadelphiafed.org/financial-crisis-resources/ The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has launched Financial Crisis Resources, a …


MTEF http://mtef.blogspot.com/ 「Financial Crisis Reading List」欄参照。これもまたまた便利。

Great Depression's deceptive intellectual legacy

●William Easterly, “Development Doesn't Require Big Government”(Wall Street Journal, October 3, 2008) Financial meltdown will not cause the U.S. to abandon democratic capitalism, but the outcome is less clear for countries deciding wheth…


●Markus K. Brunnermeier, “Deciphering the 2007-08 Liquidity and Credit Crunch(pdf)”(Journal of Economic Perspectives (forthcoming), 草稿版) In this light, it seems important to understand the amplification mechanisms that explain why t…


●Gregory Mankiw, “But Have We Learned Enough?”(New York Times, October 25, 2008) But when Olivier Blanchard, the I.M.F.’s chief economist, was asked about the possibility of the world sinking into another Great Depression, he reassuringl…


●Robert E. Lucas, Jr., “Mortgages and Monetary Policy”(Wall Street Journal, September 19, 2007) In the past 50 years, there have been two macroeconomic policy changes in the United States that have really mattered. One of these was the s…

learned helplessness

●Dan Ariely, “Deconstructing consumer confidence”(Predictably Irrational, August 28, 2008) We have a market paradox on our hands. Consumer confidence is close to a 40-year low, suggesting that the economy is in worse shape now than in ti…

Fedの流動性危機対策 〜この1年間の歩み〜

●Dave Altig, “What the Fed did during macroblog's vacation”(macroblog, August 14, 2008) 流動性危機に対してFedがこの1年間で採用した対策を時系列的に回顧。公定歩合の引き下げ→FFレートの引き下げ→Term Auction Facility(貸出満期28日の連銀貸出;…


●Lawrence Summers, “Our creative mortgage crisis?”(Creative Capitalism, July 16, 2008) What went wrong? The illusion that the companies were doing virtuous work made it impossible to build a political case for serious regulation. When th…


〇Frederic S. Mishkin, “Financial Instability and the Federal Reserve as a Liquidity Provider”(At the Museum of American Finance Commemoration of the Panic of 1907, New York, October 26, 2007)〇Frederic S. Mishkin, “Headline versus Core …