

●Jeffrey A. Frankel, “Supply-Side Economics Contradictions Live on in Washington”(Jeff Frankels Weblog, September 9, 2008) Politicians have always faced the temptation to give their constituents tax cuts. But in recent decades “conservat…


●Peter Klein, “Tullock on Corporations”(Organizations and Markets, August 27, 2008) バーリ=ミーンズが主張するように経営者が企業を好き勝手に操ることができるだけの力を持っているとしたら株主の不平不満なんかどこ吹く風で彼は経営者の地位に長…


●Michael Munger, “Rent-Seek and You Will Find”(Library of Economics and Liberty, July 3, 2006) In a well-functioning market system, competition rewards low price and high quality. Such optimal functioning requires either large numbers of…


●David Beckworth, “Is Monetary Policy Really Too Loose?”(Macro and Other Market Musings, September 5, 2008) 金融政策のスタンス(=緩和し過ぎか/引き締め過ぎかどうか)は(実質で見た)政策金利の水準のみから判断すべきではなく、あくまで均衡実…


●Tyler Cowen(2002), “Does the Welfare State Help the Poor?(doc)”(Social Philosophy and Policy, vol.19(1), pp.36-54) I look first at how much the welfare state transfers to the poor, which turns out to be a surprisingly small sum, rel…

Why People Are Irrational about Politics?

●Michael Huemer, “Why People Are Irrational about Politics” Abstract; I look for explanations for the phenomenon of widespread, strong, and persistent disagreements about political issues. The best explanation is provided by the hypothesi…


●Barry Naughton, “The Inflation Battle: Juggling Three Swords”(China Leadership Monitor, No. 25, Summer, 2008) Inflation has once again become a serious problem in China. The government has three potential weapons to fight inflation: tig…


●Barry Eichengreen, “Back to the ‘Thirties with a Twist”(VOX, August 30, 2008) One of the chief ways financial market participants make sense of events is by drawing parallels with the past. The subprime crisis, when it first erupted, wa…

learned helplessness

●Dan Ariely, “Deconstructing consumer confidence”(Predictably Irrational, August 28, 2008) We have a market paradox on our hands. Consumer confidence is close to a 40-year low, suggesting that the economy is in worse shape now than in ti…


●Benjamin M. Friedman, “Moral Consequences of Economic Growth: The John R. Commons Lecture 2006(pdf)”(American Economist, vol.50(2), Fall 2006, pp.3-8) For those of us who are blessed to live in a society where the average standard of …

Libertarian Paternalism

●Cass R. Sunstein and Richard H. Thaler(2003), “Libertarian Paternalism Is Not an Oxymoron(pdf)”(The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol.70(4), pp.1159-1202)●Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler, “The dramatic effect of a firm nudge”(…

経済発展と労働の部門間移動 〜その役割と問題〜

●Michael Spence, “Engines of Growth”(Hoover Digest 2007 No. 3) なぜ中国やインドといった国々の急成長が実現したのか、これらの国々の急成長を可能にした成長のエンジンは一体何なのか、これらの国々の経済発展を支える共通の要因は何なのか、に関する…


今旬なオリンピックの話題関連で。 銀メダリストと銅メダリスト、どっちがメダルとって満足げ(あるいは悔しげ)だろうか? 普通に考えれば、銀メダリストの方が成績が上なんだから銀メダリストの方が結果に満足しているに決まってる、・・・はずだけど。 ●D…


●Michael Robinson, “Lessons from the last frontier”(The Space Review, August 4, 2008)知らぬ間に「お気に入り」に追加されてた論説。あとで読もうと思って「お気に入り」に入れてたんだろうけど、いつ・どこで登録したっけ? まあ、面白かったんでそ…

IS-LMモデルでGreat Moderationを説明することは可能か

●David Beckworth, “The 'Great Moderation' in an IS/LM Model with Full Employment”(Macro and Other Market Musings, August 19, 2008) 上記エントリーで取り上げられているWilliam White氏の論文は以下。 まだ自分も全てには目を通してないんだけれど…

Fedの流動性危機対策 〜この1年間の歩み〜

●Dave Altig, “What the Fed did during macroblog's vacation”(macroblog, August 14, 2008) 流動性危機に対してFedがこの1年間で採用した対策を時系列的に回顧。公定歩合の引き下げ→FFレートの引き下げ→Term Auction Facility(貸出満期28日の連銀貸出;…


●Friedrich A. Hayek, “The Intellectuals and Socialism”(Mises Economics Blog, August 16, 2008) 元々はThe University of Chicago Law Review (vol.16(3), pp.417-433, Spring 1949)に掲載された論文。 あとで読も。

Smith's egalitarian view of human cognition

●Sam Fleischacker, “Economics and the Ordinary Person: Re-reading Adam Smith”(Library of Economics and Liberty, October 4, 2004) Far more important to Smith's work is the belief that ordinary people normally understand their own interest…


●Tyler Cowen, “The economics of vending machines”(Marginal Revolution, May 20, 2008) Japan has so many, but why? ・・・(略)・・・First we must look to the shortage of storage space in homes. I suspect few Japanese want to buy big piles o…


●James Surowieck, “The Permission Problem”(New Yorker, August 11, 2008) The point isn’t that private property is a bad thing, or that the state should be able to run roughshod over the rights of individual owners. Property rights (includ…


The Region; Interviews(Noted Economists, Central Bankers and Federal Reserve Officials) Federal Reserve Bank of MinneapolisのHPより。 機会があれば、誰かしらのインタビューをチョイスしてブログ上で取り上げていくことにしよう。 (追記)Hoover D…

An Uneasy Marriage: Government and Markets

●Stephen Haber, Douglass C. North and Barry R. Weingast, “The Poverty Trap”(Hoover Digest 2002 No. 4) The necessary connection between government and the market creates a thorny problem. Government is crucial because it enforces contract…


●Konstantin Sonin, “The dictator’s approach to electoral patterns”(VOX, August 9, 2008) While the people of the developed world are fascinated by electoral campaigns, more than a half of the world’s population does not have a chance to p…


●Clive Crook, “Adam Smith on CSR”(FT.com, August 8, 2008) Smith believed that most people are self-interested, sympathetic, and wish to be well thought of. Successful commercial societies, he argued, are built on these traits. The questi…

paradox of whistle blowing

●I.J. Alexander Dyck, Adair Morse and Luigi Zingales, “Who Blows the Whistle on Corporate Fraud?(pdf)”(CRSP Working Paper No. 618, January 2007) Generalizing from these results on the identity and incentives of fraud detectors, we arri…


●“Friendship and Complex Interdependencies in Markets”(Kids Prefer Cheese, July 29, 2008) Badhwar女史の論文 “Friendship and Commercial Societies” はこちら(pdf版)。ジャーナルに掲載されたバージョンとの異同については未確認。 あとで時間見…


●Helen Johns and Paul Ormerod, “The unhappy thing about happiness economics(pdf)”(Real-world economics review, issue no.46, May 20, 2008) There are at least two alternative interpretations to the mainstream view that happiness has rema…


ケインズの論説「わが孫たちの経済的可能性」をめぐって世界を代表する経済学者達が議論を寄せた本が近々出版されるとのこと。 Revisiting Keynes: Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren (MIT Press)作者: Lorenzo Pecchi,Gustavo Piga出版社/メー…

Multiple selves、パターナリズム、コース

●Glen Whitman, “Against the New Paternalism: Internalities and the Economics of Self-Control”(Policy Analysis no. 563, Cato Institute, February 22, 2006) In short, the old paternalism said, “We know what’s best for you, and we’ll make yo…


●Tyler Cowen, “Move on -- this isn't true here”(Marginal Revolution, July 26, 2008 ) I have a simple model of how some people -- but by no means all -- process political issues. Occasionally the real force behind a political ideology is …