
Smith's egalitarian view of human cognition

●Sam Fleischacker, “Economics and the Ordinary Person: Re-reading Adam Smith”(Library of Economics and Liberty, October 4, 2004) Far more important to Smith's work is the belief that ordinary people normally understand their own interest…


●Tyler Cowen, “The economics of vending machines”(Marginal Revolution, May 20, 2008) Japan has so many, but why? ・・・(略)・・・First we must look to the shortage of storage space in homes. I suspect few Japanese want to buy big piles o…


●James Surowieck, “The Permission Problem”(New Yorker, August 11, 2008) The point isn’t that private property is a bad thing, or that the state should be able to run roughshod over the rights of individual owners. Property rights (includ…


The Region; Interviews(Noted Economists, Central Bankers and Federal Reserve Officials) Federal Reserve Bank of MinneapolisのHPより。 機会があれば、誰かしらのインタビューをチョイスしてブログ上で取り上げていくことにしよう。 (追記)Hoover D…


●Konstantin Sonin, “The dictator’s approach to electoral patterns”(VOX, August 9, 2008) While the people of the developed world are fascinated by electoral campaigns, more than a half of the world’s population does not have a chance to p…


●Clive Crook, “Adam Smith on CSR”(FT.com, August 8, 2008) Smith believed that most people are self-interested, sympathetic, and wish to be well thought of. Successful commercial societies, he argued, are built on these traits. The questi…

paradox of whistle blowing

●I.J. Alexander Dyck, Adair Morse and Luigi Zingales, “Who Blows the Whistle on Corporate Fraud?(pdf)”(CRSP Working Paper No. 618, January 2007) Generalizing from these results on the identity and incentives of fraud detectors, we arri…


●“Friendship and Complex Interdependencies in Markets”(Kids Prefer Cheese, July 29, 2008) Badhwar女史の論文 “Friendship and Commercial Societies” はこちら(pdf版)。ジャーナルに掲載されたバージョンとの異同については未確認。 あとで時間見…


●Helen Johns and Paul Ormerod, “The unhappy thing about happiness economics(pdf)”(Real-world economics review, issue no.46, May 20, 2008) There are at least two alternative interpretations to the mainstream view that happiness has rema…

Multiple selves、パターナリズム、コース

●Glen Whitman, “Against the New Paternalism: Internalities and the Economics of Self-Control”(Policy Analysis no. 563, Cato Institute, February 22, 2006) In short, the old paternalism said, “We know what’s best for you, and we’ll make yo…


●Tyler Cowen, “Move on -- this isn't true here”(Marginal Revolution, July 26, 2008 ) I have a simple model of how some people -- but by no means all -- process political issues. Occasionally the real force behind a political ideology is …

Revived Bretton Woods System

Revived Bretton Woods System:A New Paradigm for Asian Development(Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, February 4, 2005) http://www.frbsf.org/economics/conferences/0502/ ●Dooley, Michael, David Folkerts-Landau and Peter Garber (2003),…

International financial 'non-system' としての「インフレ目標体制」

●Andrew K. Rose, “Are international financial crises a relic of the past? Inflation targeting as a monetary vaccine”(VOX, 31 May 2007) Inflation targeters let their exchange rates float, usually without controls on capital flows and ofte…

China's Economic Transformation

シカゴのロースクールでつい最近中国に関するコンファレンスが開かれたようだ。China's Economic Transformation(Chicago China Conference, July 14-18, 2008) http://www.law.uchicago.edu/lawecon/events/china.html コース(Ronald Coase)によるOpeni…


最近VOXの論説ばっかりリンク貼ってるな。まあそれだけ話題が豊富で質の高い議論が展開されてるってこっちゃ(←ただ乗りしていることへの後ろめたさに対する自分なりの慰め)。 ●Fabrizio Coricelli, “Finance and growth: When does credit really matter?”…

Economics of Awards

●Bruno S. Frey and Susanne Neckermann, “Knight fever: People care for awards”(VOX, 19 July, 2008) There are important differences between awards and monetary compensation making it worthwhile to analyze them separately. ・The material co…


●Paul M. Romer, “Economic Growth”(from The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, David R. Henderson(ed)., Liberty Fund, 2007, pdf版) 以前ケインズの「わが孫たちの経済的可能性」という論文に関連した記事をエントリーしたことがありますが、ケイン…


●Ricardo J. Caballero, “Creative Destruction(pdf)”(in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, 2008)●Ricardo J. Caballero and Arvind Krishnamurthy, “Musical chairs: a comment on the credit crisis(pdf)”(Financial Sta…


●Bryan Caplan, “Disastrous Voting”(EconLog, July 15, 2008) Even when government spending could greatly improve efficiency, it fails to do so. In the hands of rational voters, government is strong medicine for public goods problems. But i…


●Jagdish Bhagwati, “What makes capitalism work?”(Creative Capitalism, July 14, 2008) I believe Capitalism flourishes, in the teeth of inevitable inequality, when one of five conditions is fulfilled:1. First, the poor do not envy or resen…


●Peter Saunders(2007), “Why Capitalism is Good for the Soul”(Policy, pdf版) Andrew Norton notes that disaffected intellectuals since Rousseau have been attacking capitalism for its failure to meet ‘true human needs.’ The claim is unfou…

stationary banditとしてのタリバン

●“When the state does not enforce property rights”(Dani Rodrik's weblog, July 14, 2008) タリバンがオルソン言うところのstationary bandit*1として活動し始めたということかしらん。何がきっかけで割引率が低下(=視野が長期化)したんだろう? Zir…


●“Why China Allows its Citizens to Sue the Government”(The University of Chicago Law School Faculty Blog, July 13, 2008) Why would a dictatorship like China tolerate, and even encourage, such challenges to state action? The basic story i…


●Kent Matthews, Patrick Minford and Ruthira Naraidoo, “Vicious and Virtuous cycles ― the political economy of unemployment in interwar UK and US”(VOX, 9 July 2008) The main hypothesis advanced in this column is that prolonged bouts of hi…

Creative Capitalism

Creative Capitalism http://www.creativecapitalismblog.com/ またまたMV=PQ(by Tim Schilling)経由。 ビル・ゲイツのスピーチ“A New Approach to Capitalism in the 21st Century”をめぐってランズバーグやらベッカーやらポズナーやらetc錚々たるメンバ…


グライフ(Avner Greif)のマグリブ商人に関する研究*1に対して反論が寄せられているというのは耳にして知っていたけれども(具体的にどのような反論がなされているかは知らず)、その反論に対してグライフが再反論を寄せているようだ(“From Good Grief to Go…


●Shankar Vedantam, “Taking More Risks Because You Feel Safe”(Washington Post, Monday, June 9, 2008)●Eric Weiner, “Subprime Bailout: Good Idea or 'Moral Hazard?'”(National Public Radio, November 29, 2007) MV=PQ(by Tim Schilling)のエントリ…


NHKスペシャル マネーの暴走が止まらない 〜サブプライムから原油へ〜 http://www.nhk.or.jp/special/onair/080623.html今日の午後10時から総合テレビで放送だそうです。要チェックですね。 時間に余裕のない方は代わりに以下の論説をご覧になればよろしいの…


年来の懸案事項の解決策をめぐって4人の経済学者が話し合っています。 「市場は機能する。市場を利用しよう。(Markets work; let's use markets.)」 彼(彼女)はシカゴ大学のC教授です。 「市場はうまく機能しない。政府による介入が必要だ(Markets fail…


アダム・スミス―『道徳感情論』と『国富論』の世界 (中公新書)作者: 堂目卓生出版社/メーカー: 中央公論新社発売日: 2008/03/01メディア: 新書購入: 8人 クリック: 169回この商品を含むブログ (114件) を見る 書店で序章と第1章(出だしを少々)を立ち読みし…