

●Benjamin M. Friedman(2007), “Capitalism, economic growth & democracy(pdf)”(Daedalus, vol.136(3), pp.46–55) すんごいタイトルでございますな。 まだまったく目を通してないんでもしかしたら見当外れかもしれないけれども、おそらくこの線に沿っ…


●Lawrence H. White, “Did Hayek and Robbins Deepen the Great Depression?(pdf)” In allowing the contraction of nominal income (MV) to proceed without offsetting monetary countermeasures in the 1930-33 period, American policymakers were not…


●Brad DeLong, “Growth: An Introduction(pdf)”●Roland Meeks, “MPhil Macroeconomics: Economic Growth(pdf)”●IMF, “Understanding Growth”(Finance&Development, Vol43(1), March 2006) お勉強用メモ。 ちなみにデロングの以下のHPでマクロテキスト…


●Bryan Caplan, “The Myth of the Rational Voter”(Cato Unbound, November 6, 2006) ペーパーバック版も出版されてるよ。よろしくね。 The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies作者: Bryan Caplan出版社/メーカー: Princeto…


*日本 ●日本銀行金融研究所編 『新しい日本銀行―その機能と業務(増補版)』(日本銀行金融研究所、2004年)●宮野谷篤(2000), “日本銀行の金融調節の枠組み”(日本銀行金融市場局ワーキングペーパーシリーズ 2000-J-3) *アメリカ ●Ann-Marie Meulendyke…


The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics(@Library of Economics and Liberty)より。 お勉強用メモ。 まずはおそらくマクロ経済学史として分類されるだろう話題。●Alan S. Blinder, “Keynesian Economics”●N. Gregory Mankiw, “New Keynesian Economics”●B…

‘Buy local’, ‘Food miles’

●Pierre Desrochers and Hiroko Shimizu, “YES, WE HAVE NO BANANAS: A Critique of the “Food Miles” Perspective”(Mercatus Policy Series, Policy Primer no.8, October 24, 2008) Summary As modern food production and distribution becomes ever mo…


●David Beckworth, “Is There A Credit Crunch? Evidence from the Money Multiplier”(Macro and Other Market Musings, October 28, 2008)●Satyajit Chatterjee, “Real Business Cycles: A Legacy of Countercyclical Policies”(The Region, Federal Res…


●Terry M. Moe(1990), “Political institutions: The neglected side of the story(pdf)”(Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, vol.6, pp.213–53)●Terry M. Moe(2005), “Power and Political Institutions(pdf)”(Perspectives on Polit…


●Alexander Combs, “Two Track Mind: How Irrational Policy Endures”(Library of Economics and Liberty, June 7, 2004) Wherever the truth lies, one thing is clear: not all deaths are judged equally. In the moral calculus of the mind emotional…


●Allen R. Sanderson, “Incentives, Incentives, Incentives”(Library of Economics and Liberty, March 3, 2008) Thus, if we're dissatisfied with a particular activity or outcome, or want to modify some behavior, seeing the underlying incentiv…


●David Beckworth, “The Monetary Policy - Long Term Interest Rate Link”(Macro and Other Market Musings, October 21, 2008)●Paul Romer, “Fundamentalists versus Realists”(Growth Commission Blog, October 6, 2008)●Michael Spence, “From distr…


●“Thinking Like an Economist”(Region, September 2003)●Russell Cooper, “Principles of Economic Thinking” Individuals (including households and firms) act optimally Competition works Measurement matters No free lunches Government intervent…


●Roger Kerr, “Moral Markets(pdf)”(New Zealand Business Roundtable, October 1, 2008)Anti-Dismal経由。あとで読もう。 Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy作者: Paul J. Zak,Michael C. Jensen出版社/メーカー: Princeton U…


●Ray Fisman, “Virtue for Sale;Will customers pay more to do good?”(Slate, October 19, 2007) And so it's worth asking, does it pay for corporations to be nice?This is the question animating a recent study (yet to be published) by Harvar…


●Jerome Blanc(1998), “Free Money for Social Progress: Theory and Practice of Gesell's Accelerated Money”(American Journal of Economics and Sociology, vol.57(4), pp. 469-483) Hoarding then becomes the cause of economic crisis, and the n…


●Stephen F. LeRoy and Larry D. Singell, Jr.(1987), “Knight on Risk and Uncertainty”(Journal of Political Economy, vol.95(2), pp.394-406)●Richard N. Langlois and Metin M. Cosgel(1993), “Frank Knight on Risk, Uncertainty, and the Firm:…


Hicksianさんが紹介した例でも、行動経済学からの説明が試みられているものの、田中先生が提起された論点(「自尊心」という単なる利益では計れないインセンティブ!)などを検証するには、実際に生活保護を受けている人を調査するしかないだろう。 インセン…


●Scott Beaulier and Bryan Caplan, “Behavioral Economics and Perverse Effects of the Welfare State(doc)” Abstract: Critics often argue that government poverty programs perversely make the poor worse off by encouraging unemployment, out-of…


●Dan Ariely and Michael Norton, “Belichik, a bad apple?”(Predictably Irrational, September 3, 2008) It is helpful to think of people as having two fundamental motivations: the desire to see ourselves as honest, good people, and the desir…


●Jeffrey A. Frankel, “Supply-Side Economics Contradictions Live on in Washington”(Jeff Frankels Weblog, September 9, 2008) Politicians have always faced the temptation to give their constituents tax cuts. But in recent decades “conservat…


●Michael Munger, “Rent-Seek and You Will Find”(Library of Economics and Liberty, July 3, 2006) In a well-functioning market system, competition rewards low price and high quality. Such optimal functioning requires either large numbers of…


●David Beckworth, “Is Monetary Policy Really Too Loose?”(Macro and Other Market Musings, September 5, 2008) 金融政策のスタンス(=緩和し過ぎか/引き締め過ぎかどうか)は(実質で見た)政策金利の水準のみから判断すべきではなく、あくまで均衡実…


●Tyler Cowen(2002), “Does the Welfare State Help the Poor?(doc)”(Social Philosophy and Policy, vol.19(1), pp.36-54) I look first at how much the welfare state transfers to the poor, which turns out to be a surprisingly small sum, rel…

Why People Are Irrational about Politics?

●Michael Huemer, “Why People Are Irrational about Politics” Abstract; I look for explanations for the phenomenon of widespread, strong, and persistent disagreements about political issues. The best explanation is provided by the hypothesi…


●Barry Naughton, “The Inflation Battle: Juggling Three Swords”(China Leadership Monitor, No. 25, Summer, 2008) Inflation has once again become a serious problem in China. The government has three potential weapons to fight inflation: tig…


●Benjamin M. Friedman, “Moral Consequences of Economic Growth: The John R. Commons Lecture 2006(pdf)”(American Economist, vol.50(2), Fall 2006, pp.3-8) For those of us who are blessed to live in a society where the average standard of …

Libertarian Paternalism

●Cass R. Sunstein and Richard H. Thaler(2003), “Libertarian Paternalism Is Not an Oxymoron(pdf)”(The University of Chicago Law Review, Vol.70(4), pp.1159-1202)●Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler, “The dramatic effect of a firm nudge”(…


今旬なオリンピックの話題関連で。 銀メダリストと銅メダリスト、どっちがメダルとって満足げ(あるいは悔しげ)だろうか? 普通に考えれば、銀メダリストの方が成績が上なんだから銀メダリストの方が結果に満足しているに決まってる、・・・はずだけど。 ●D…


●Friedrich A. Hayek, “The Intellectuals and Socialism”(Mises Economics Blog, August 16, 2008) 元々はThe University of Chicago Law Review (vol.16(3), pp.417-433, Spring 1949)に掲載された論文。 あとで読も。